Download the NX-OS Kick Start
and NX-OS System Software files to your TFTP server.
Step 2
Make sure that Nexus 5000
Switch has the enough space to install the new image files by using NX-OS
command “ dir bootflash”. If there is enough space you are free to install the
new NX-OS image files.
Step 3
If there is no enough memory
delete old image files using NX-OS command
Delete boothflash: (kickstart
image name)
Delete bootflash:
(system image name)
delete bootflash:n5000-uk9-kickstart.5.0.3.n1.1a.bin
SF01-MB-1256-010# delete
bootflash: n5000-uk9.5.0.3.n1.1a.bin
Step 4
Copy the new kickstart and
system images to the switch bootflash by using a transfer protocol such
as ftp, tftp, scp, or sftp. The examples in this procedure
use tftp. Use the following NX-OS command to copy the kick start and image
Make sure that the TFTP
server is started
SF01-MB-1256-010# copy tftp
Step 5
Enter the install
all NX-OS command to install the new images, specifying the new image
names that you downloaded in the Step 1 as shown below
Once all the files are
installed the switch will restart and reload with the new Image files.